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Kaliuda Gallery Concept Supplier Furniture And Home Decor In Bali model pintu kitchen set
Kaliuda Gallery Concept Supplier Furniture And Home Decor In Bali from

Pintu gudang ukuran 200 x 400 cm x 2 terbuat dari plat 1 mm rangka besi siku 40 × 40 – sliding buka kiri kanan Item pekerjaan ini akan di sesuaikan dengan gambar kerja setelah deal tergantung ukuran lebar dan Panjang Gudang yg akan dibuat Harga per m2 mulai dari 500 m2 – 1000 m2 = Rp 2200000/ m2.

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The only shot in the film not achieved incamera was the slow zoom in on the model of the maze with the tiny figures of Danny and Wendy walking around at the center To achieve this shot a model of the maze was shot from six feet above Then the small central section of the maze was built to scale next to an apartment complex Shelley Duvall and Danny Lloyd then walked about.

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