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Quests both playergiven and dynamically generated are intended to be a large part of Escape from Tarkov Some require you to pick stuff up for certain traders while others require you to kill other operators or mark vehicles and specific places Quests are the fastest way of gaining EXP Completing one will often reward you with experience points trader reputation money valuable.

Quests The Official Escape from Tarkov Wiki

The MPXG2 will drive you insane it’s close to be PULSE in a box!!! Real Whammy real IPS33 real JamMan Looper dBx real analog Tube Screamer you just miss the Muff the Rat the HM2 and you’d probably prefer analogue compressors chorus and flanger but even tho the digital ones onboard are freaking good Reply Arnaud ESNAULT says May 26 2019 at 117.

Buzzing Archives

SIG MPX 9×19 Submachine gun Spa Tour Part 2 Humanitarian Supplies Spa Tour Part 2 Peacekeeper Exploration Mark the helicopter with a beacon Mark a safe road with a beacon Survive and leave the area +7500 EXP Peacekeeper Rep +006 900 Dollars Unlocks purchase of M67 Hand grenade at LL2 Spa Tour Part 3 Spa Tour Part 1 Spa Tour Part 3.

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Mpx 3 Wahana Honda

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