Suspensi. “Perubahan suspensi dilihat dari ukuran shockabsorber belakang yang lebih tinggi diambil dari Pajero Sport Selain itu high performance bar yang ada di Xpander dan Xpander Cross menggunakan desain mobil Eropa Perubahan itu menghasilkan driving yang lebih nyaman stabil di jalan yang kurang halus dan kasar sesuai dengan kondisi di Indonesia” jelas Eichiro.
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Suspension (chemistry) Wikipedia
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The suspensory muscle of duodenum is a thin muscle connecting the junction between the duodenum jejunum and duodenojejunal flexure to connective tissue surrounding the superior mesenteric artery and coeliac arteryIt is also known as the ligament of Treitz The suspensory muscle most often connects to both the third and fourth parts of the duodenum as well as the.
Suspensory muscle of duodenum Wikipedia
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