Transformers 4 Ratchet. Transformers Prime is an American computeranimated television series based on the Transformers toy franchise by Hasbro that aired on Hub Network from November 29 2010 to July 26 2013 Transformers Prime focuses on the Autobots of “Team Prime” which consists of Optimus Prime Ratchet Arcee Bumblebee and Bulkhead Throughout their battles the.
Ratchet is an Autobot and the resident medical officer of Team Prime Ratchet is known as the doctor and scientist of the Autobots Ratchet usually stays behind at the base to work on some few projects he’s currently working on or in case any of the team members get injured On Earth Ratchet wasn’t too fond of humans at first However he was able to work and learn with them.
Transformers: Prime Wikipedia
It is the day of reckoning The Autobots led by Optimus Prime make a perilous last stand to hold off the Decepticon conquest of Cybertron Outnumbered outgunned and pushed to the brink of extinction the battleweary band of resistance fighters orchestrates a desperate series of counterstrikes on a mission that if everything somehow goes right will end with an unthinkable.
Transformers: Animated (TV Series 2007–2009) IMDb
Transformers Kingdom War for Cybertron Trilogy Witness the greatest battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron as the two leaders come face to face with the consequences of their war Play games videos and check out the shop today!.
Transformers Studio Series 82 Deluxe Transformers: Autobot
As a longtime Transformers fan this was a dream come true for him continued More Featured Articles v This Day in History January 20 1930 — Astronaut Buzz Aldrin is born 1932 — Voice actor Vicente Gisbert is born 1933 — Actor Gérard Hernandez (European French voice of Ratchet and Trailbreaker in the Changing Gears episode of the original cartoon) is.
Ratchet Transformers Film Series Wiki Fandom Transformers Wiki
Kingdom War for Cybertron Trilogy Chapter 3 Transformers
Transformers: Prime (2010 TV Show) Behind The Voice Actors
Transformers: Prime Works Archive of Our Own
Transformers Masterpiece Collectible Toys & Action Figures
Product Search Page BigBadToyStore
Reveal of Bumblebee Movie SS Ratchet, Brawn, Shockwave
Transformers: Prime – The Game Wikipedia
I: The Transformers Wiki Fandom Ratchet Teletraan
War for Cybertron: Siege Transformers
Transformers Studio Series 82 Deluxe Ratchet
Shattered Glass issue 4 Transformers Wiki
75 images (& sounds) of the Transformers Prime cast of characters Photos of the Transformers Prime (Show) voice actors.